
Beginning Monday, May 13th, we will begin End-of-Grade Testing.  It is very important that your child(ren) arrives at school on time for their grade level’s testing, gets a good night’s sleep the night before, and eats a good breakfast the morning of.

Week ☝🏼

  • Monday, May 13: 5th-Grade Science EOG

  • Tuesday, May 14: 3rd-Grade ELA EOG

  • Wednesday, May 15: 4th-Grade ELA EOG

  • Thursday, May 16: 5th-Grade ELA EOG

  • Friday, May 17: 3rd-Grade Math EOG

Week ✌🏼

  • Monday, May 20: 4th-Grade Math EOG

  • Tuesday, May 21: 5th-Grade Math EOG

  • Wednesday, May 22: 3rd-Grade Read to Achieve Test

    for those applicable

Please arrange any appointments or other scheduling on days that your students are not testing or following their test administration for the day. Students may not be dismissed from the test setting once testing has begun for the day.

Attendance of 3-5 students for their EOGs will also impact their eligibility for attending the Skateland Reward Trip on Wednesday, May 22.  Information regarding this trip was sent home with students last week.